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Variables Reference - Shmupkit
Here's a full list of the Global Variables used by Shmupkit, I've tried to leave as many as possible free for you own use in your games....
Lost Game Event - Shmupkit
A simple GAME OVER message, similar to the GET READY one in the Restart Screen Event: EVENT LOSTGAME AT 10 12 REPEAT 10 READ A CHR A...
Kill Player Event - Shmupkit
What happens when a player is killed?, we decrement their lives and update the lives counter on screen EVENT KILLPLAYER SUBTRACT 1 FROM...
Restart Screen Event - Shmupkit
This event runs whenever the game first starts or restarts after the player is killed. The important thing here is that we need to reset...
Game Initialisation Event - Shmupkit
The L variable is used to keep track and progress the Levels/Attack Waves of the game, after the player successfully survives a Level it...
Intro Menu Event - Shmupkit
This is pretty standard MPAGD intro menu, but I've added the redefine keys commands, always let your player redefine their keys! (note...
Main Loop 2 - Shmupkit
Nothing to see here!
Main Loop 1 - Shmupkit
I've tried to keep the main loop as simple as possible, I've added a starfield travelling downward using the STAR DOWN command. Also, I...
Initialise Sprite Event - Shmupkit
The important thing here is that we include 'ADD 1 TO S' so that every sprite that gets initialised is added to the Sprite Counter (S) -...
Enemy Spawner Event
This is the engine room of Shmupkit. The Spawner itself is a blank sprite, and it's event controls which enemies should be spawned,...
Enemy Missile Event
Enemy missiles travel down the screen quite quickly, when they are spawned by an Enemy we pass the enemies direction of travel to the...
Enemy Event - Shmupkit
Aliens perform a movement pattern which are a combination of directional movements, Direction 0-15, each one representing a point on a...
Player Missile Event - Shmupkit
The player Missile is defined in Spite Type 1. It uses a simple 16x16 sprite image, and is launched when the player presses the fire key....
Player Event - Shmupkit
The player event is quite straightforward. There are controls for left and right movement, thrust upward with the up key, this is...
MPAGD Shmupkit Dev Guide
MPAGD SHMUPKIT is a Multi-Platform Arcade Game Designer project for creating vertical shoot-em ups, initially for ZX Spectrum, but...
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