This event runs whenever the game first starts or restarts after the player is killed.
The important thing here is that we need to reset the Sprite Counter (S) to 0, our Initialise Sprite event will then increment it to the correct number of sprites on screen
I've also dropped in a typewriter style GET READY! message using the code from the MPAGD manual!
LET S = 0 ; initialise the sprite counter
AT 0 1 ; position the cursor Line 0 Column 1
SHOWSCORE ; display the score
AT 10 12 ; Cursor at L10 C2
REPEAT 10 ; do this 10 times
READ A ; read next item into A
CHR A ; Display A
DELAY 5 ; short wait
ENDREPEAT ; all items displayed?
DELAY 100 ; longer wait
DATA 'G' 'E' 'T' ' ' 'R' 'E' 'A' 'D' 'Y' '!'